July 24, 2018

Book of Proceedings and Abstracts

Find below list of conference proceedings and books of abstracts from past conferences:

YearThemeLocationDownload LinkLanguageDocument Category
2019Perspective of Arabic And Islamic
Studies In Repositioning Qur’anic
Education In Nigeria
Ago-Iwoye, Ogun StateDownloadEnglishProceedings
2019منظور الدراسات العربيـة والإسلامية
في ثصحيح وضع الجعليم القرآني في
Ago-Iwoye, Ogun StateDownloadArabicProceedings
2018Deradicalisation and the Role of Arabic and Islamic StudiesZaria, Kaduna StateDownloadEnglish Proceedings
2018Deradicalisation and the Role of Arabic and Islamic StudiesZaria, Kaduna StateDownloadEnglish & Arabic
2017حلول الدراسات العربيـة واإلسالمية
للكساد العاملي
Ojo, Lagos StateDownloadArabicProceedings
2017Arabic and Islamic Studies and Global Recession Ojo, Lagos StateDownloadEnglishProceedings
2017Arabic and Islamic Studies and Global Recession Ojo, Lagos StateDownloadEnglish & ArabicAbstracts